AUTO affinity offers
Discover our auto affinity offers and services for your private and business customers.
High added-value affinity insurance
In order to satisfy your customers, Mutuaide proposes an extensive portfolio of affinity offers: cover for wheels, tyres and punctures, fuel errors, financial losses, protection for motor-related expenses, etc. The Excess Repurchase cover and Mechanical Breakdown cover are highly appreciated by customers and are significant drivers of growth. Deemed “essential” by French people and seen as a means of securing the purchase and use of a vehicle as well as unforeseeable expenses, the Mechanical Breakdown cover can cover both vendors and purchasers! This cover can ideally be proposed at the time of purchase or sale of a vehicle, but also throughout the year: please contact us for more details!
Comprehensive breakdown insurance
The Mechanical Breakdown cover provides cover by Mutuaide for vehicle repairs costs, including parts and labour.
Excess repurchase cover
The Excess Repurchase cover enables customers to avoid any unpleasant surprises by reimbursing, either in part or in full, the amount of the excess for damage in the event of an at-fault claim involving their own vehicle or a short-term rental vehicle.
Insurance against punctures, wheels and tyres
Whether due to vandalism, punctures or collisions with the pavement, flat tyres always happen when at the worst time: protect your customers from the hazards of driving with insurance against punctures and wheel damage!
And much more
We provide the following insurance:
Emergency driver’s licence, damage to personal effects, individual accident, lost keys and documents, fuel errors, loss of no-claims bonus and glass breakage.
Feel free to contact us
Mentions légales Services mis en œuvre par Mutuaide Assistance 126 rue de la Piazza, CS 20010 – 93196 Noisy le Grand CEDEX. SA au capital de 13 401 270 € – Entreprise régie par le Code des Assurances. Soumise au contrôle de l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel de Résolution – 4 Place de Budapest CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09 – 383 974 086 RCS Bobigny – TVA FR 31 383 974 086