Contact us
Companies, non-profit organizations, federations, mutual insurances
Private customers
French network
+33 1 55 98 87 94
International network
+33 1 55 98 87 92
Indemnisation claims
Automobiles and fleet
+33 1 55 98 87 96
Human services
+33 1 55 98 87 95
Sports and cultural events
We strive to offer you quality service. Please do not hesitate to share your dissatisfaction. If you wish to file a complaint, please email us at :
or send us a letter to :
Mutuaide Assistance – Service Qualité Clients
126 rue de la Piazza, CS 20010 – 93196 Noisy le Grand CEDEX
Mutuaide Assistance will acknowledge receipt of your claim within a maximum of 10 days of receiving it and process it within two months at the latest.
As a last resort, you can contact a Mediator by post. This will not prejudice any right to file an application with the competent court. To contact a Mediator, please write to La Médiation de l’Assurance TSA 50110 75441 Paris Cedex 09, France.