Roadside assistance for light vehicles
Benefit from fully comprehensive roadside assistance for light vehicles, adaptable to your needs and fully customizable as a white label.
Examples of roadside assistance cover for light vehicles
Roadside assistance
Vehicles immobilized following an accident or breakdown
Breakdown / Towing
- Up to €300
Shipping of spare parts abroad
- Shipping costs
Continuation of the journey or repatriation home (vehicle not repairable the same day)
- Travel ticket or taxi if less than 100 km
Recovery of a repaired or stolen vehicle
- Travel ticket or taxi if journey less than 100 km or a category A or B hire car
Security abroad
- Up to €300
Abandonment of the vehicle (declared as written off) abroad
- Actual costs
Repatriation of the vehicle from abroad (if immobilization >3 days)
- Actual costs
Vehicles immobilized more than 24h in mainland France and other countries
Temporary accommodation
- 1 night in France and up to 3 nights abroad
Assistance for travellers
Passengers ill or injured during the journey
Repatriation or medical transport
- Actual costs
Visit by a relative (if hospitalization for more than 7 days)
- Travel costs + hotel costs up to €80/night (max. 6 nights)
Replacement driver
- Travel ticket or driver
Medical costs (for travel abroad)
- Up to €30,000 with a €43 excess and up to €153 for dental care
Death during the journey
Repatriation of the body
- Up to €1,500
Death formalities
- Hotel costs up to €80/night (max. 2 nights)
Legal assistance (only abroad)
Advance of bail
- Up to €15,000
Advance of lawyer’s fees
- Up to €3,000
Category B replacement vehicle
- Up to 5 days in the case of a breakdown, accident or theft
Category B replacement vehicle
- Up to 5 days in the case of a breakdown or accident, 30 days in the case of theft
Cover under all our policies is customizable
I am interested
Eligibility conditions
Private individuals and their partner
Any person transported free of charge (excluding hitchhikers)
Any person transported for consideration (carpooling)
In the event of bodily injury or death, a breakdown, accident, puncture, theft, attempted theft, break-in, vandalism, fuel error, loss, theft or loss of keys
In a motor vehicle with 9 seats maximum, weight <3.5T
Trailer or caravan <750kg towed per vehicle covered
Registered in France
The advantages of the policy
⊕ Breakdown/Towing
⊕ Actual costs of repatriation for health reasons
⊕ Medical costs abroad up to €30,000
⊕ Fully customizable policy