Legal notice
Website publisher:
Mutuaide Assistance,, France. Public limited company (SA) with share capital of €15,180,660 – Company governed by the French Insurance Code. Subject to supervision by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel de Résolution – 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, France – Bobigny Trade and Company Registry no. 383 974 086 – VAT FR 31 383 974 086
Director of publication: Thibaut ABOULKER
Website hosted by: : GIE Groupama Supports et Services, 8-10 rue d’Astorg 75008 Paris, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris sous le numéro 410 546 956 – Tél. : 01 44 56 77 77 (prix appel local). : GIE Groupama Supports et Services, 8-10 rue d’Astorg 75008 Paris, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris sous le numéro 410 546 956 – Tél. : 01 44 56 77 77 (prix appel local). : GIE Groupama Supports et Services, 8-10 rue d’Astorg 75008 Paris, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris sous le numéro 410 546 956 – Tél. : 01 44 56 77 77 (prix appel local).
Crédits :
Les photographies, visuels, illustrations et vidéos diffusées sont les œuvres issues des banques d’images, agences et photographes suivants : Médiathèque Mutuaide, Médiathèque Groupama, Shutterstock, Getty images, iStock, Adobe Stock, Margot Fayol, … La liste n’est pas exhaustive et peut être complétée à la demande des intéressés.
Website functions:
The website is a presentation website for the purpose of providing information concerning the Company and the offers and services proposed.
The website enables you to obtain quotations and subscribe to assistance and/or insurance products, obtain information about cover and access your customer area. Payment is by bank card via a secure payment system.
To subscribe and pay online, you must:
- Be aged 18 years or over and have legal capacity
- Warrant the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided on the website
- Read and keep a copy of the general terms and conditions of the policy
- Keep the subscription summary
- Comply with the instructions contained in the pages dedicated to the subscription
The website is a presentation website for the purpose of providing information concerning the Company and the offers and services proposed.
Les données recueillies par FMB en tant que responsable de traitement, sont nécessaires à :
- la finalité de mise en relation avec les partenaires prestataires du réseau FMB, sur la base légale du consentement,
- la finalité de passation, gestion et exécution des contrats souscrits. Les traitements de données personnelles, dont la finalité est la passation, la gestion et l’exécution des contrats, vous concernant ou concernant les personnes parties, intéressées ou intervenantes au contrat, ont pour base légale l’exécution du contrat ou des mesures précontractuelles.
Governing law:
The website is subject to French law.
In the event of a dispute, the competent courts will be those with jurisdiction over the Company’s registered office.
Intellectual property law
This website is subject to the regulations application to copyright and intellectual property. All rights of reproduction and display of the content of this website are reserved.
Only the reproduction in paper format of the forms, quotation requests, price simulations and any other requests proposed online are authorised, for the user’s personal and private ends only.
The trademarks and product names cited are registered and therefore protected.
Any total or partial display or reproduction of such elements, by any process whatsoever, without the Company’s express authorisation, is prohibited and would constitute infringement within the meaning of Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The same applies to the databases shown on the website.
Agreement on proof and general use of the website:
Users acknowledge that the documents and data they save, enter and update are presumed to be those on the basis of which the Company fulfils its obligations. Data stored in the Company’s information systems may be used for evidential purposes in the event of a dispute concerning the subscription.
The information and opinions contained on the website may under no circumstances be deemed to constitute formal advice incurring the liability of the Company and/or their authors.
Users are responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by viruses circulated via the website and/or the information.
The Company waives all responsibility:
- in the event of any ambiguity, inaccuracy, error or omission concerning the information available on the website;
- for any absence of available information;
Access to the website and functions:
The website is available 24/7, except in the case of a force majeure event and subject to any malfunctions or maintenance work necessary for its proper operation or for the addition of new functions or services.
The services described may be modified, improved or enriched.
Neither the publisher nor the Company may be held liable in any manner whatsoever for the consequences of failure by the User to access the website, irrespective of the reasons therefore.
Hypertext links:
The website publisher informs users that when they click on a hypertext link to other websites and, generally speaking, to other resources existing on the Internet, they leave the Company’s website.
As such, the Company accepts no responsibility for content on the linked web pages or websites. The same applies to web pages or websites linking to the Company’s website.
Any hypertext link to the Company’s website must be subject to the Company’s prior, express authorisation and the Company waives all responsibility concerning the content of the websites containing this hypertext link.
Social media:
The website uses third party software applications enabling the user to share content. This is the case, in particular, for the “Share” and “Like” buttons associated with social media.When a user views a web page containing such a button, their browser establishes a direct connection to the servers of the social network. If the user is logged on to the social network when browsing, the application buttons make it possible to link the pages viewed to their user account. If the user interacts by means of plug-ins, by clicking on the “Like” button, for example, or by leaving a comment, the corresponding information will be transmitted to the social network and published on their account. If the user does not wish the social network to link information collected via this website to their user account, they must log off from the social network before visiting the website.
We strive to support you in your day-to-day life and provide you with a high quality of service. Please do not hesitate to inform us if you are dissatisfied. If you wish to file a complaint, please contact us via:
- email:
- post: Mutuaide Assistance – Service Qualité Clients – 126 rue de la Piazza, CS 20010 – 93196 Noisy le Grand Cedex, France
The Company shall confirm receipt of your complaint within a maximum of 10 days from its receipt and shall process it within two months.
At a last resort, you may contact the Mediator by post, without prejudice to your right to bring legal action, where necessary.
You can contact the Mediator either by post at the following address:
La Médiation de l’Assurance TSA 50110 75441 Paris Cedex 09, France, or via the Internet at
General personal data protection policy
“GDPR Governance” label awarded by the CNIL
Respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular with regard to privacy and the protection of personal data, constitute particularly important values for our company.
These values shape our day-to-day activities, notably by the implementation of Personal Data Protection Policies for responsible use of data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
In May 2018, the CNIL (French data protection authority) acknowledged our actions to ensure data protection and compliance with the GDPR by awarding Mutuaide Assistance the “GDPR Governance” label.
This label:
- demonstrates the importance of personal data protection and privacy for our company;
- recognises the effective actions implemented for several years now with regard to the Governance of personal data;
- provides a guarantee of quality of service and trust.
Respect for privacy and the protection of personal data form the basis of trust, a value that is particularly important for Mutuaide Assistance, as is respect for fundamental rights and freedoms.
This policy sets out the commitments made in the context of our day-to-day activities for a responsible use of personal data.
Mutuaide Assistance processes personal data in compliance with the laws and regulations in force and in particular with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 and the guidelines drawn up by the CNIL.
Personal Data Governance Policies are implemented within the companies and compliance with their provisions is controlled.
1) Determined, explicit and legitimate purpose of the processing:
Personal data are collected for specific reasons (purposes), of which data subjects are informed. They may not be used subsequently in a manner incompatible with such purposes.
They are collected fairly: no data are collected without the data subject’s knowledge and without them being informed.
2) Proportional and relevant nature of the data collected:
The personal data collected are strictly necessary for the objective pursued by the collection. Mutuaide Assistance strives to minimise the data collected and to keep them accurate and up-to-date by facilitating data subjects’ rights.
3) Limited storage period for personal data:
Personal data are retained for a limited amount of time and only for as long as is necessary for the purposes of the collection. Data subjects are informed of the data storage periods, which may vary depending on the nature of the data, the purpose of the processing or legal or regulatory requirements.
4) Confidentiality / data security:
Information System Security Policies are implemented and adapted to the nature of the processed data and to the company’s activities.
Appropriate physical, software and organisational security measures are in place to guarantee the confidentiality of data and to avoid any unauthorised access.
Mutuaide Assistance also requires that any data processor provide appropriate guarantees to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data.
Personal data may be transferred to countries situated in the European Union or outside the European Union. In this case, data subjects are explicitly informed thereof and specific measures are taken to manage such transfers.
5) Rights of data subjects:
All measures necessary to guarantee the effective nature of data subjects’ rights regarding their personal data are implemented:
Clear and comprehensive information on the data processing implemented, easily accessible and comprehensive for all.
Easy access to the data: Each individual has rights regarding the data concerning them, which they may exercise at any time and free of charge.
Data subjects may therefore access all of their personal data and in certain cases have them rectified (inaccurate or incomplete data) or erased, or demand that use of their data be temporarily restricted. Data subjects also have the right to the portability of data that they have personally supplied and where such data have been supplied on the basis of the data subject’s explicit consent or the performance of a contract.
These rights are facilitated online or are may be exercised by any other means according to the procedures made known to data subjects.
Such requests may also be addressed to the DPO.
Monitoring of the Personal Data Protection Policy
- You may contact the Insurer’s Data Protection Officer:
by email: at - by post: at the following address: Data Protection Officer – MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE – 126 rue de la Piazza, CS 20010 – 93196 Noisy le Grand Cedex, France
Data processing – privacy
You are currently logged in to the Mon Compagnon de Voyage application. In the course of browsing this application, personal data concerning you may be collected.
These data are processed in compliance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, as amended. They are necessary for accessing the various features offered by the Mon Compagnon de Voyage application (my profile, my destinations, my certificates), for managing the spaces and forum, for managing your navigation and compiling statistics and, where necessary, for fulfilling legal and regulatory requirements.
Data identified by an asterisk (*) in the various forms accessible online are mandatory, in order to properly process your requests. Failing this, such requests may not be processed or their processing may be delayed.
This information is, depending on the case, destined for the Mutuaide Assistance internal teams (including its partners and subcontractors, where applicable) responsible for managing your requests. No personal information is collected without your knowledge or used for purposes not provided for. No information is assigned or transferred to third parties without you being informed and without your consent, except where required by the law or regulations.
You have the right to access, rectify, delete and object to the processing of all data concerning you collected via this Mon Compagnon de Voyage application (certificate form) by clicking on the “Data Protection contact” link or by contacting us by post at the address of Mutuaide Assistance.
The Mon Compagnon de Voyage application enables you to access the general information notices concerning personal data protection in connection with the conclusion, management and performance of insurance policies (1) at any time, and also provides certain features and services.
For each of the purposes referred to below, the personal data are retained at most for the duration of the commercial or contractual relationship and until the expiry of the legal limitation periods.
Personal data protection in the context of the conclusion, management and performance of insurance policies
The personal data concerning you (or concerning persons party to or interested in the policy) are processed by the Insurer in compliance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, as amended, and the standards laid down by the CNIL. Their processing is necessary for the conclusion, management and performance of your policy and cover, for the management of our commercial and contractual relationship, for management of the risk of fraud or for fulfilment of the legal, regulatory or administrative requirements in force, depending on the purposes set out below.
1. Your Rights
By providing proof of ID, you have the right to access, rectify, delete and object to the processing of your personal data by contacting your Insurer by post (see address in your policy documents) or via our website at With regard to your health data, these rights can be exercised by contacting the Insurer’s Medical Officer by post (postal address in your policy documents).
2. Conclusion, management and performance of policies and commercial management of customers and prospects:
The data concerning you (or concerning persons party to or interested in the policy) are necessary for management of the commercial or contractual relationship.
This information is destined for the Insurer’s teams responsible for the commercial management or the conclusion, management and performance of the policies covering each of your guarantees, within the limits of their remit, as well as their delegates, intermediaries, partners, agents and subcontractors in the framework of their duties.
It may also be transmitted, where necessary, to the insurance companies of those persons involved or insurance companies offering complementary services, as well as to co-insurers, reinsurers, professional bodies, guarantee funds and any person involved in the policy, such as lawyers, experts, legal and judicial officers, custodians, guardians, investigators, health professionals, Medical Officers and authorised staff and social security organisations, where the latter are involved in settling claims and benefits or where the Insurer provides complementary cover to that provided by the social security regimes.
Information concerning you may also be transmitted to any persons involved in the policy (policyholder, insured, member or beneficiary of the policy and their beneficiaries and representatives; the beneficiaries of any assignment or subrogation of the rights in connection with the policy and, where applicable, persons responsible, victims and their agents, witnesses and third parties involved in the performance of the policy), as well as any persons accredited as Authorised Third Parties (courts, arbitrators, mediators, ministries, supervisory and control authorities and all public bodies authorised to receive it, as well as services responsible for control, such as statutory auditors, auditors and teams in charge of internal control)
3. Combating insurance fraud:
You are also informed that the Insurer implements a system to combat insurance fraud that may, in particular, result in you being registered on a list of persons presenting a fraud risk, which may mean that the examination of your application takes longer, or even result in the reduction or refusal of a right, benefit, policy or service proposed by Mutuaide Assistance.
In this case, personal data concerning you (or concerning persons party to or interested in the policy) may be processed by any authorised persons within Mutuaide Assistance in the context of combating fraud.
These data may also be destined for authorised staff of organisations directly concerned by an instance of fraud (other insurance organisations of intermediaries; social or professional bodies; judicial authorities, mediators, arbitrators, legal or professional officers, third party organisations authorised by a legal provisions and, where applicable, the victims of acts of fraud or their representatives).
4. Combating money laundering and terrorist financing:
To fulfil its legal obligations, the Insurer implements processing and surveillance for the purpose of combating money laundering and terrorist financing and for the application of financial sanctions.
5. Telephone recordings:
You may need to telephone us in the context of our relationship. We hereby inform you that these telephone calls may be recorded to ensure the proper performance of our services with regard to you, in particular, and in general in order to improve our quality of service. These recordings are destined solely for the teams responsible for handling your call. If you have been recorded and wish to listen to the recording of a conversation, you may submit a request by following the procedures described above (see the paragraph on “your rights”).
6. Collection and processing health data:
You expressly agree to the collection and processing of data concerning your health necessary for managing your policy and cover, which are processed in accordance with the rules governing medical confidentiality. Such data are exclusively destined for the Insurer’s Medical Officers responsible for managing your cover, its medical department or specifically authorised internal or external individuals (in particular our medical experts or delegates). This information may also be used by authorised persons in connection with combating fraud.
If you use the Carte Vitale (French healthcare card), you authorise the health professional to send the Insurer a statement containing the information enabling it to implement the services provided for in the policy. You also authorise the exchange of information with your mandatory scheme for the sole purpose of processing your benefits.
7. Transfers of information outside the European Union:
Personal data concerning you (or concerning persons party to or interested in the policy) may be transferred to countries situated outside the European Union, of which you are hereby expressly informed and which you hereby expressly authorise.
These transfers are made in connection with the performance of your policies and your relationship with us, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations or for the management of actions or disputes enabling the Insurer, in particular, to assert, exercise or defend its legal rights or for the purpose of defending data subjects (according to the exceptions referred to in Article 69 of the French Data Protection Act). These transfers are carried out in accordance with legal requirements and with the directives of the European Commission and of the CNIL and may, where necessary, be subject to specific legal provisions implemented by Mutuaide Assistance in order to guarantee an adequate level of protection for the personal data.
This (strictly limited) information is destined solely for recipients likely to be involved in the context of the purposes provided for in these general terms and conditions and set out above.
8. Implementation of assistance cover:
The implementation of assistance cover as provided for in the policy may require the processing of personal data, in particular health data, by Mutuaide Assistance.
This information is solely destined for persons responsible for managing your cover and, as regards your health data, for the Assistance service’s doctors, authorised managers and other authorised persons (emergency physicians, ambulance crew and local doctors).
Some data strictly necessary for the implementation of assistance services may be subject to transfers outside of the European Union, in the interests of the data subject or for the safeguarding of human life.
You expressly agree to the collection and processing of health data in this respect.
You have the right to access, rectify, delete and object to the processing of any information concerning you by contacting Mutuaide Assistance and, with regard to your medical data, by contacting its Medical Officer. (Request to be submitted by post, accompanied by a photocopy of your ID, to the address of Mutuaide Assistance indicated on your policy documents or on the website).
Any telephone call made in connection with the implementation of assistance cover will be systematically recorded on the Mutuaide Assistance platforms for the purpose of ensuring the proper performance of the services. You may exercise your right of access to these recordings by contacting Mutuaide Assistance directly, within the limits of the storage periods applicable to these recordings.
9. Studies and statistics:
Personal data concerning you (or concerning persons party to or interested in the policy) may also be used and exploited by the Insurer for the purpose of compiling statistics or conducting studies, notably with a view to improving our products and services, personalising our relationships, obtaining better knowledge of the market and the competition and developing innovations.
Such data may be associated, combined or include personal data concerning you (or concerning persons party to or interested in the policy) collected automatically or transmitted by you in the course of browsing the Mon Compagnon de Voyage application.
They may also be combined with statistical or aggregated data from various internal or external sources.
All personal data are processed in compliance with the regulations in force, in particular those concerning privacy and the protection of personal data.