Home assistance

Benefit from tailored home assistance, fully customizable as a white label and adapted to your needs

Examples of home assistance cover

In the event of damage to your home​

Damage while you are away

Early return home to attend to the damage in the home

  • Transport costs

Recovery of a vehicle left at the location of the trip as a result of the beneficiary’s early return

  • Transport costs

Security for property rendered vulnerable

  • Up to 48 consecutive hours after the occurrence of the damage

Property rendered uninhabitable

Temporary accommodation (hotel, apartment, guest house, etc.)

  • Up to €80/night, 5 nights maximum

Transfer of beneficiaries to a relative

  • Transport costs

Transfer of beneficiaries home once it is inhabitable again

  • Transport costs

Rental of a utility vehicle to transport belongings

  • Up to €310

Removal (within a range of 50 km and within 60 days following the damage)

  • Up to €1,500 (transport, materials and labour)

Cleaning of the damaged home

  • Up to €750 per event

Destroyed personal effects

Emergency suitcase

  • €300/Beneficiary, up to €1,200 per event

Advance of funds to cover emergency personal expenses

  • Up to €800

In the case of immobilization at home​

Hospitalization or immobilization at home for more than 72 hrs

Care for children under the age of 15 by a relative

  • Return transport costs

Care for children under the age of 15 by a competent person

  • Up to 20 hrs spread over 2 days

Accompanied travel for children under the age of 15 to a relative’s home

  • Return transport costs

Transport by taxi to take children to school

  • Up to €450

Transport by taxi to take children to their extracurricular activities

  • Up to €75

Transport and care for pets in an animal boarding establishment

  • Up to €230 per event

Transport of pets to a relative (within a range of 100 km)

  • Transport costs

Delivery of medication (for 2 weeks following the event)

  • Up to 5 deliveries per event

Everyday life and moving house​

Breakdown and malfunctioning of installations in the home

Provisional repair/replacement of locks and doors

  • Up to €150 (call out + services of a locksmith)

Repair of heating installations, electricity, plumbing, joinery and locks

  • Up to €150 (call out + services of a professional)

Moving house

Domestic help to clean the old and new properties

  • Up to 10 hrs over one week, 4 hrs minimum per day

Accompaniment by a mandated specialist during the property inspection visit

Contact details of removal firms

Contact details of a specialist for the property inspection

Practical information on the formalities to complete when moving house

Information for everyday life

Information specific to housing (administrative, legal, DIY)


Cover under all our policies is customizable

I am interested

Eligibility conditions

Private individuals

In the event of fire, water damage, glass breakage, natural disaster, theft, break-in or attempted break-in

Mainland France, Principalities of Andorra and Monaco

Primary or secondary residence

The advantages of the policy

⊕ Early return covered in the event of damage to the home while the beneficiary is away

⊕ Childcare in the event of hospitalization or immobilization for more than 72 hrs minimum

⊕ Repair in the case of the breakdown or malfunctioning of installations in the home

⊕ Help with moving house

⊕ Fully customizable policy

Mentions légales

Mutuaide Assistance
126 rue de la Piazza, CS 20010 – 93196 Noisy le Grand CEDEX. SA au capital de 13 401 270 € – Entreprise régie par le Code des Assurances. Soumise au contrôle de l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel de Résolution – 4 Place de Budapest CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09 – 383 974 086 RCS Bobigny – TVA FR 31 383 974 086