Digital life healthcare assistance digital journey
In addition to the human contact necessary when life takes a turn for the worse, Mutuaide also provides a simple and modern digital service for all customers with a healthcare policy: DIGItal Life.
DIGItal Life is an innovative service that optimizes and digitizes the customer healthcare assistance journey via a web app. The aim of this solution is to facilitate the instantaneous tracking and coverage of the policyholder.
In a simple click, DIGItal Life enables your policyholders to track all their healthcare assistance services directly on their phone.

How does it work for the user?
1 – After submitting a request for assistance, the user (and their carer, where appropriate) receives an initial text message confirming the reference number of their Assistance request following their call, with a link to the DIGItal Life web app
2 – By clicking on the DIGItal Life link, the user lands on a home page containing a summary of their information
3 – They receive a second text message containing the details of the requested service and confirmation of intervention by a service provider
4 – The user receives a further text message after 8 days to assess the quality of their contact and of the service via a link to the DIGItal Life web app.
The DIGItal Life hallmark
A simple, modern and reassuring service for your customers
24/7 accessibility via a smartphone by simple SMS link and no downloads
An immediate assessment tool to rate the quality of our services
Improved customer experience!
A tool to improve customer satisfaction
Customers rate the health assistance service on DIGItal Life:

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